NTDC – Thunder Bay launches its NordicFest Fundraiser
NTDC contributes in many ways to the development of athletes in the province of Ontario, and across Canada. Since May 1 alone, NTDC’s outreach into the Ontario community includes:
- 7 of NTDC’s athletes have completed the L2T dry-land coaching course, and intend to complete the on-snow course this winter;
- All 7 of these athletes have coached or participated in XCSO “Excellence” camps aimed at U14 to U20 athletes across the province. Their involvement has been noticed and appreciated.
- NTDC hosted, for the first time, a successful summer program for grade 12 athletes. They intend to continue this in future years.
- NTDC will be traveling with the Ontario Junior Ski Team to a dry-land training camp in Hayward Wisconsin in September.
- NTDC and the Ontario Junior Ski Team will overlap at Frozen Thunder, further providing outreach activities.
- Also, NTDC Head Coach Timo Puiras is a mentor to two of Ontario’s development coaches through an XCSO Coach Mentorship program funded by the Coaches Association of Ontario. He is directly sharing his experience with the Ontario’s coaches of the future.
We invite you to consider the ways you can contribute to Ontario’s National Team Development Center located in Thunder Bay ON (NTDC – Thunder Bay). It could be in the form of a financial donation, by purchasing a table at the auction and joining us for dinner with your friends, by donating an item for the auction.
Check out the NordicFest Auction and Fundraiser page for more information.