Coach Certification
Details needed on certification process, requirements, and total fees.
All workshops are available on for registration.
Follow these steps to register:
- Go to
- Click on”The Locker” on the right to get to the Login page.
- Log onto your Locker profile with your NCCP # and password.
- If you are a new coach and don’t already have a NCCP #, click on the “Don’t have an NCCP #? Create one now.!” on the Login page which comes up after clicking on “The Locker”. Follow the steps to create one. Your coaching number will be assigned to you right away. You will then see it in your Profile.
- Click on Calendar (top tab)
- Filter by Month and Province (e.g. Oct/ON)
- Filter by sport (CCC)
- The workshop you are looking for will appear on the right
- Register on the right hand side of the calendar
- ‘Register’ – Locker automatically registers your name and NCCP #
- Pay with credit card
Modules will be credited to your transcript after the event
- $67 – Introduction to Community Coaching (ICC) – $15 Coach Initiation e-learning module, $52 e-learning ICC
- $150 – Community Coaching (CC) $150
- $200 – Learning to Train Dryland (L2T D) $200
- $200– Learning to Train On Snow (L2T OS) $200
- $275 – Training to Train Dryland (T2T D) $275
- $275 – Training to Train On Snow (T2T OS) $275
- Competition Coaching (L2C Comp Dev) is organized by Nordiq Canada
Prerequisites: Intro to Community Coaching and Coach Initiation e-learning modules completed
Prerequisites: Intro to Community Coaching and Coach Initiation e-learning modules completed
Prerequisites: NCCP Trained Comp Int status (completed ICC, (CC) and L2T workshops).
Save the date: XCSO Annual Coaching Seminar !
Prerequisites: Two online ICC (Introduction to Community Coaching) modules