2024-2025 Ontario Junior Ski Team (OJST) Nominations

We are thrilled to nominate the following athletes to the 2024-2025 Ontario Junior Ski Team (OJST)!
Nomination Synopsis
Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible with the interpretation of criteria and nomination decisions. The Ontario Junior Ski Team (OJST) is a development focused team. Athletes nominated to this team must meet performance requirements of achieving a minimum average CPL in Sprint, Distance, or an average of Sprint/Distance. Athletes must also have competed in a minimum of 7 Ontario Cup starts. Due to the cancellation of the North Bay Ontario Cup, only 5 Ontario Cup starts are required. Those athletes who attended the XCSO competition trip to Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Trials and Ontario University Athletics (OUA) Championships were able to count those races in lieu of Ontario Cup starts.
Force Majeure
Appeals will be evaluated by the Nomination Committee. Force Majeure documentation must be submitted by email to admin@xcskiontario ca Sunday May 5, 2024 by 4pm EST.
Nomination Acceptance
Athletes must accept their nomination for the Ontario Junior Ski Team (OJST) by registering on Zone4 by May 10, 2024.
Zone 4 Ontario Junior Ski Team Nomination Acceptance and Team Registration 2024-2025
Additional Selection Requirements
Upon acceptance of your nomination/registration, athletes will be required to submit the following supporting documentation:
- A copy of your YTP
- Access to athletes training logs
- Complete physical tests (Critical Speed & Peak Power Double Pole) by July 3rd, 2024
- Continued completion of your training logs
More information and instructions for these requirements will be provided after the May 10, 2024 nomination acceptance deadline. Please contact Bryan Dubeau, [email protected] if clarification is needed.