Please register for this NOD training camp in Parry Sound July 2nd!
It’s a great way to connect with teammates over the sunny and hot months for a roller ski and maybe even swim (weather pending)!
July 2 2023 Single day – On and off Rollerskis dryland camp – Nobel
Ages: Open with target group U14 to U18
Location: McDougall Recreation Center
Cost: Free!
10 am Meet your peers in sport
10:10 am warmup jog and dynamic warmup
10:30 am movement skills
11:30 am movment skills on Roller skis
12:00 noon lunch, hang out with all
12:30 easy roller ski starts
1:30 pm U14 done for the day (suggested)
2:30 pm U16 done for the day (suggested)
3:00 pm U18 done
We have access to the rink in case of adverse weather
3:30 travel home
Gear required:
Classic and skate roller skis
Classic and skate poles with road tips
Water and snacks, lunch
Clothing for adverse weather
SOD Training Camp – Victoria Harbour
We are very pleased to share details about the upcoming SOD Super Camp being held on Friday August 25th (evening virtual session) and Saturday August 26th in Orillia! A group of amazing coaches from SOD are pleased to offer a free dryland training camp for any U14-U18 (age 12 to 17) skiers.
The camp is funded by Cross Country Ski Ontario (free of charge for athletes – please provide your own lunch). Thank you XCSO!!
Athletes need to be registered for the 2023-2024 season with a cross country ski club in Southern Ontario Division
Athletes invited are U18, U16, U14, (U12 by coach ’s recommendation/application). It is an ‘open’ registration camp which means you do not need to be on the SOD team to participate.
Newer skiers welcome! We will accommodate all skill levels.
Athletes will need to register for the camp online HERE (
ceHMmvx8qcgUmGEt7). More detailed information will be provided to those who sign up. Registrations must be received by Sunday August 20th at 4:00pm.
Friday August 25th 6:45pm to 7:30pm
Virtual session featuring cross country ski athlete Alex Maycock (
news/2023/then-%26-now-alex- maycock-bphe-20-%26-msc-23- candidate-1)
Saturday August 26th, 9:00am to 4:00pm at the West Orillia Sports Complex
- Welcome activities, warm up and games!
- Intensive roller ski sessions with a focus on helping athletes have better ski technique (double pole, one skate, two skate)
- Lunch (bring your own!)
- Roller ski challenge course – a range of fun activities to increase agility and balance for any skier
- Scout Creek forest fun run
- Group game
- Stretching and camp debrief
Prerequisites: Able bodied – Community Coach Trained
You are able to complete the CC AWAD as well as the CCI – L2T AWAD in one weekend. This is a great opportunity for coaches and clubs.
Prerequisites: Able bodied – Community Coach Trained
You are able to complete the CC AWAD as well as the CCI – L2T AWAD in one weekend. This is a great opportunity for coaches and clubs.

SafeSport Implementation Q&A Session
XCSO will offer a series of Q&A sessions to assist with the implementation of the Nordiq Canada Pan Canadian SafeSport Policy Suite. We invite you to email your questions to us in advance of the meeting (or keep them for the meeting). We will address all of the questions at the meeting and/or through our FAQ document. We would like everyone to benefit from each discussion. The FAQ document is a working document and will continue to be updated as questions arise.

September 8 to 10
Ages: Open with target group U12 to U18
Cost: $50 full camp and meals (other options avail)
Special offer for U12 $30 for Friday and Saturday
U10 Saturday $20
More info and