Rollerski Racing and Safety

FIS ICR 396.2.6: Cross-Country ski poles must be used with CrossCountry skiing tips. Alternatively, pole tips must have safety rigid plastic protections with a diameter ≥30 mm. These protections must be placed a maximum of 45 mm above the metallic tips. The rule will be implemented from 1st July 2022.

The goal of the rule is to prevent deeper body injuries and poles from getting caught in asphalt cracks or holes.

Canada Points Lists for roller ski competitions

a) Points for sanctioned roller ski races will be calculated as per the cross country ski races protocol and using the regular cross country ski CPL to determine race reference points.
b) Roller Ski events’ points will be posted on a distinct Roller Ski CPL and will not be included on the regular cross country ski CPL for seeding or selection purposes.

Resources and Technical Guides

XCSO Roller Ski Fleet

Cross Country Ski Ontario has purchased a fleet of 100 skate roller skis from Rundle Sports. The fleet has 70 NNN and 30 SNS bindings and is available for rent for events across the province at $5 per use.

  • Roller Ski Borrower Agreement

    Available in Word or PDF.

Rollerski Events

Shoreline Sprints and Distance

Location: Rice Lake, WI, USA

Date: July 7-8th, 2023

A 15km classic race on a closed course followed by a Skate Sprint (1.2-1.4km) on the shoreline of Lake Superior.

In 2022, $11,000 in prize money. Both races having the same prize money for the top 6 of each gender

Nipissing University: King’s Court Skate Sprints

Location: North Bay, Ontario

Date: September 30th, 2023

Nipissing University will again be hosting a rollerski race in North Bay, ON on its campus again this year. This years King’s Court Skate Sprint event will be capped at 40 participants. There is potential for a middle distance race on October 1, 2023 TBC. For additional details please contact Toivo Koivukoski at [email protected]

  • Event Website
  • Race Notice
  • Race Registration (Zone 4 coming soon!)
  • Results

NorthShore Rollerski Race

Location: Duluth, MN, USA

Date: September 16-17th, 2023

The NorthShore Inline Marathon is proud to offer races for cross country skiers with our two unique roller ski races. Our 42k and 21k offer a beautiful route along Lake Superior. The NSIM roller ski races navigate the scenic north shore drive. Roller skiers take a turn while entering Duluth, where they get the experience of roller skiing on Highway 61 and I-35. Join one of the largest roller ski races of its kind.

Coupe Skinouk Rollerski Race

Location: Gatineau, QC

Date: September 16,2023

Presented by Euro-Sports and held on the Gatineau Parkway,  this rollerski race has become one of Canada’s staple events.

  • Event Website 
  • Race Notice (not yet available)
  • Registration (not yet available)
  • Results

Rollerski Agility Ramps

Rollerski agility ramps have been used to promote discovery,
creativity and problem solving. They are also a super fun way to develop balance.  Cross Country Ski Ontario has made a resource guide for coaches on the construction and skill development progressions for using the ramps.