SkiERG World Sprints

November 8, 2018 – November 11, 2018 all-day

SkiErg Sprints

The SkiErg Sprints is an annual virtual race that allows you to compare your time against others worldwide in a one-weekend showdown of SkiErg speed. There are age categories from 12 and under to 80+ as well as adaptive classes. This event is for everyone!

The Details

Race 1,000 meters on the Concept2 SkiErg November 08-11, 2018.
Individuals should enter their time in their Concept2 Online Logbook by November 12 22:00 GMT (17:00 ET).
Events should send their results by email to [email protected] using the result form below. If you submit 30 or more individual results from an event held by your club or team, you’ll be entered in a raffle for a new SkiErg for your facility. Results must be emailed by November 12 22:00 GMT (17:00 ET).
Late submissions cannot be accepted. All results MUST be submitted by November 12 22:00 GMT (17:00 ET).