Stay tuned for more details!

NOD Excellence Camp
August 9 2024
Nobel, Ontario

We hope all of you had a successful season despite the odd weather.

New Para Nordic Representative on the NOD Board

Welcome Faith Goudie as our new NOD Para Nordic Representative!  Thank you for helping our community.  Did you know that NOD and XCSO are always looking for skiers to build their pool of guides to help support the para team? Contact Faith for more information and to answer any questions related to coaching a para skier or starting a para program.

Grow the Sport Bursary
NOD would like to give $250 to every NOD Club who hosted an event this past season with the goal of attracting or retaining new skiers. Deadline for application: May 1.

Requirements to access this funding:

  1. Your club had a representative at the 2023 NOD Annual General Meeting (October 16, 2023)
  2. Your club hosted an event in the 2023-2024 season to grow the sport
  3. Complete the Grow the Sport Bursary Application Form, which includes a short event report and sharing up to 4 photos. 

NOD Athlete Bursary
NOD annually supports athletes who choose to commit to the provincial race schedule and represent our district at the Canadian National Championships. Athletes may apply for the bursary by completing the NOD Athlete Bursary Application Form. Deadline for application:  May 1.

Requirements for an athlete to be considered for the bursary:

  1. 2023-2024 membership to a NOD club who had a representative at the 2023 NOD AGM
  2. 2023-2024 Nordiq Canada Race License
  3. Competed in at least 3 Ontario sanctioned events in the 2023-2024 season (sanctioned events include OCups, OUA Nordic Ski Championships, Ontario Winter Games, and Ontario Youth Championships), AND
  4. Competed at the 2024 Canadian National Championships.

Nordiq Canada Coach Conference – April 25-28
Subsidies may be available to attend the Nordic Sports Coaching Conference in Canmore.  More information can be found on the XCSO website here and here. Please contact Katja Mathys at [email protected] if you are interested in attending.

Cross Country Ski Ontario AGM & Conference – May 24-26We encourage all NOD Clubs to consider having a member attend the XCSO AGM on May 24-26, 2024 at Nipissing University in North Bay. More information, including the agenda and conference topics will be posted soon on Accommodations and some meals will be provided, and a travel subsidy is available for representatives of NOD Clubs to attend. Let Russell Walker at [email protected] know if you plan on attending.

Save the date for the 2024 NOD AGM
The 2024 NOD Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 21, 2024 at 7 PM on Zoom.  We hope to have each Club represented.

Have any Club success stories or milestones to share?  Please pass on the news to Russell at [email protected].  

There will be two Board position vacancies: Chair and Vice-Chair. NOD is looking for a member of North Bay Nordic to be our Chair, and a Laurentian Nordic member to be Vice Chair. Please contact Russell at [email protected] if you have any questions or are interested in either of these roles.

The NOD Board is the voice for Northern Ontario clubs. We discuss and implement ways to encourage our skiers and clubs to excel. The NOD Chair works with and is supported by an amazing group of volunteers from other NOD and XCSO clubs. The minimum level of participation averages about 5 hours a month, with more time leading up to the May and October AGMs, and less time in the summer months. Race experience is not necessary, but having a general awareness of how your home club operates is essential. Board members are expected to have a current club membership, adhere to the Nordiq Canada suite of policies, and complete the NCCP Safe Sport and Understanding the Rule of Two modules. Meet new ski friends by volunteering with the NOD Board!

Ontario Winter Games Selection Criteria and Application Forms

The Ontario Winter Games are fast approaching.  The selection criteria and application form is now out.  Here is the NOD Selection Criteria for Ontario WG 2024_27Nov2023 details.
More details on XC Ski Ontario Link:
A reminder that you must have a racing license in order to apply!  The deadline for those is fast approaching.

Upcoming Sessions on Pan Canadian Safe Sport Policy Suite being adopted by XCSO

There are two upcoming sessions that regarding the new safety policy suite.  Each club should send a representative to attend one of these sessions.  Please pencil in the dates:

Thursday September 7th 1200 to 1300 Zoom Invite Link
Thursday September 14th 2030 to 2130 Zoom Invite Link
More details to follow.

Here is some background from XCSO about the new Safe Sport policies:

Cross Country Ski Ontario will launch a new suite of Safe Sport policies in collaboration with Nordiq Canada.  A harmonized approach is the most effective way to prevent and address maltreatment in sport. Thus a Pan Canadian suite of safe sport policies has been adopted by the XCSO Board of Directors.  Nordiq Canada has provided a template policy suite that will require customization by the clubs.  Robust policies adopted at the club, Division and National level ensure everyone who participates in our sport is subject to the same standards of behaviour.  Our sport environment is evolving and so must we as leaders in our sport.

Substantive Policies include:

  • Athlete Protection Policy
  • Code of Conduct and Ethics
  • Social Media Policy
  • Screening Policy
  • Whistle Blower Policy

Procedural Policies include:

  • Discipline and Complaints Policy
  • Dispute Resolution Policy
  • Appeal Policy

Clubs must adopt these policies by November 1, 2023.  Those clubs joining later in the season will be required to adopt the policies within 3 months of joining XCSO – please see Implementation Schedule.

to our 2022-2023 NOD bursary recipients. We are so proud.

See the list below.

NOD Bursary Recipients 2022 2023



Hello NOD Clubs:

Did your Club host a ski event this 2022-2023 season? You may be eligible to receive a $250 NOD Grow the Sport bursary!

Why is there a NOD Grow the Sport bursary?

The COVID pandemic brought out people in huge numbers to get outside onto the ski trails safely. NOD wants to help our Clubs to continue growing interest in cross country skiing by financially supporting Clubs who host an event.

What type of event qualifies?

All sorts of recreational or racing events may qualify.  Some examples include a Family Day BBQ, a discounted pass/rental day, a loppet, or a learn-to-ski day with an elementary school class.  Events that attract people to ski with the potential of retaining or growing membership is our goal.

How does my Club apply?

Submit an application using this FORM by midnight on June 30, 2023.  The form asks for contact information, an overview of the event, and up to four photographs that may be shared by NOD.

How does my Club receive the $250?

NOD will send your club an electronic funds transfer (EFT).  The form asks for your Club’s email address associated with a bank account.  NOD budgeted up to $3000 for this initiative, so there is enough funding for 12 of our registered NOD clubs to apply.

Are you planning on hosting an event in 2023-2024?

Let us know of your future event dates and we can add it to our NOD Calendar.




Save the date: Our NOD Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 16th, 2023 @ 7PM on Zoom. Clubs who are represented at the AGM can access funding and learn more about NOD news and initiatives.





Kendyn got his start in the NOD region as a skier for Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School in Sudbury and with Walden Cross Country.

NOD got in touch with Kendyn today and here’s what he had to say to all the future skiers in the region:
“Qualifying for World juniors has been a big goal of mine for the last two seasons and it was so great to see it happen!”
“I would like the younger Walden/NOD skiers to know that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Everyone starts somewhere and it doesn’t matter if you just started skiing in high school. A strong work ethic goes a long way!”
“I first learned how to ski in grade 9 and I was so blessed to have such dedicated coaches (Mr. Ward, Neil Phipps, Sara McIlraith) getting me into the sport and teaching me how to ski!”

Congrats to Kendyn on the world stage from all the NOD skiers!