Ontario Coach Leslie Bode joining Nordiq Canada as the Para Nordic Development Coach.

Don’t forget to apply: Para Mentorship Program 2024-25


The aim of this program is to facilitate connections, partnerships and knowledge transfer to build the capacity of Ontario coaches to offer quality training experiences for Para Nordic athletes and increase the number of coaches and clubs in the province who are “Para Ready”.
Through increased collaboration and knowledge sharing, XCSO aims to improve the coaching environment in the province while increasing connections with coaches. Through this program, coaches will:
– identify gaps and develop individualized learning objectives related supporting \Para athletes in the daily training environment
– share experiences
– exchange ideas
– increase and refine their understanding and comfort level with Para Nordic specific coaching principles and strategies
– participate in coaching immersion activities with athletes registered in the Ontario Para Nordic teams through targeted Provincial Coaching Experiences (PCE)
Cross Country Ski Ontario believes in cultivating a diverse and inclusive community of skiers and coaches that can work seamlessly with all athletes. An integral part of becoming a better coach is through a mentorship relationship.  The very best coaches are themselves coached by someone else.
This program is open to new and experienced coaches alike.
Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis until all positions are filled.

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Provincial Coaching Experiences Application now Open – UPDATED

XCSO is seeking Coach candidates for various Provincial Coaching Experiences.  Please complete this Google Form.  We will be accepting applications on an ongoing basis – please submit your application as soon as possible.  Multiple positions are available at some camps.

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XCSO is hiring – 2 District Development Coordinators (contract positions)

Cross Country Ski Ontario is accepting applications for District Development Coordinators in 2 Districts – Southern Ontario (SOD) and National Capital (NCD).  Please read more HERE.

The application intake process will continue until the position is filled – please submit an application as soon as possible.


XCSO is hiring – 2 Positions

XCSO is seeking applications for 2 positions:

Technical Director will work to develop a cohesive and collaborative approach to athlete development in the province.

Para Nordic Lead (.5 FTE)will build to the future in developing our Para Nordic program.

Deadline for applications is Monday, Feb 21.

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Northern ON District Development Coordinator Contract Position

While we continue to navigate the pandemic that in turn has changed our usual provincial programming, XCSO invites applications for a contract position – Northern ON District Development CoordinatorThe NOD Development Coordinator will work with a strong team of professionals who are committed to developing a cohesive and collaborative approach to athlete development in the province. The Development Coordinator’s position is collaborative in nature and working with club coaches will be an integral part of the role.  More details here.

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District Development Coordinators Job Posting

While we continue to navigate the pandemic that in turn has changed our usual provincial programming, XCSO invites applications for 4 contract positions of District Development Coordinator, one in each of the 4 XCSO districtsThe Development Coordinators will work with a strong team of professionals who are committed to developing a cohesive and collaborative approach to athlete development in the province. The Development Coordinators’ positions are collaborative in nature and working with club coaches will be an integral part of the role.  More details here.

NCD Community Coaching Course December & January

NCD will be hosting two Community Coaching courses in the coming weeks.   The dates of these course are:
Dec 17 and 18
@ 730 pm each night
Jan. 8 and 9
@ 730 pm each night
Two online ICC (Introduction to Community Coaching) modules (if you have any questions, contact [email protected])
Both the above workshops will be virtual.  A conference code and the supporting documents will be sent to the registered participants 3 days prior to the workshop
The on snow portion of the workshops (~7 hrs) will be facilitated in January of 2021.
Dates and times will be confirmed once restrictions on group gatherings are reviewed and its clear where we can host the on-snow workshops.
Registration information from XCSO – free registration fees until Jan. 15th
  • New coaches still have to take the multi-sport Coach Initiation Module ($15 e-learning in the Locker)
  • Online ICC registration fees will be waived in the Locker between November 20 – January 15
  • Community Coaching Fees will be reimbursed to XCSO by Nordic Canada and then forwarded to clubs or individuals
  • XCSO will forward the fees to the respective clubs.


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Welcome! Katie McMahon ON Performance Coach

Cross Country Ski Ontario welcomes Katie McMahon as the Ontario Performance Coach.  Katie can be reached at [email protected].

Please note Victor Wiltmann, XCSO Technical Director can now be reached at [email protected].