Chelsea Super Sprints @ Chelsea Nordiq
Mar 3 all-day
Chelsea Super Sprints @ Chelsea Nordiq

Event Description: King’s Court Sprints

NCD XCSO Excellence Camp
Aug 26 – Aug 30 all-day

Adventure Camp
Emphasis on: Emphasis on Values, Actions & Decision Making. Nutrition/Sport Psychology.
This camp is open to U16 and U18 athletes only.

Coaching Staff: Geoff Tomlinson, Nolan Scheier, Fred Serratore and Katherine Denis
XCSO Staff: Alex Roger

Registration link (including camp information).

XCSO Club Excellence Camps: a series of camps designed to provide training opportunities and exposure to a high performance training and learning environment for Ontario athletes and coaches. These camps aim to provide system development alongside athlete development.


Skinouk Roller Ski Races @ Gatineau Park
Sep 14 all-day

Race Notice and registration available now.

The Coupe Skinouk Rollerskis  is back this year again at P5 in Gatineau
Park. It will take place on September 14. Event information and
registration form are available at
You can even participate as a volunteer!

Don’t forget to renew your annual Nordiq Canada  licenses competition
for the 2024-2025 season, you will need it to register or you will have
to pay for daily licenses.

Coupe Skinouk Trails @ Nakkertok Nordic Centre
Oct 26 all-day
Coupe Skinouk Trails @ Nakkertok Nordic Centre | Gatineau | Québec | Canada

The Coupe Skinouk Trails will take place this year on October 26 at the Nakkertok Nordic Ski Centre

– Distances for all: 1.25km, 2.5km, 5km, 10km and 20km
– Affordable prices
– Microchip timing with instant results

All the information:


La Coupe Skinouk Course en sentiers  aura lieu cette année le 26 octobre au Centre de ski Nakkertok Nordique

– Distances pour tous: 1.25km, 2.5km, 5km, 10km et 20km
– Prix abordables
– Chronométrage par puce électronique avec résultats instantanés

Toutes les infos :

Candy Cane Cup and OCUP/QCUP #1 – Gatineau QC @ Nakkertok Nordic Centre
Dec 13 – Dec 15 all-day
Coupe Skinouk @ Gatineau Park
Jan 25 – Jan 26 all-day
Coupe Skinouk @ Gatineau Park

Club Skinouk extends a warm invitation to all skiers to compete at its 31st Coupe Skinouk.
The event will take place on January 25th and 26th, 2025 at the Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau, in Gatineau (Québec).
The Coupe Skinouk is a Tier 2 race allowing U14 to master athletes to earn Canadian points.
The Coupe Skinouk also serves as the Jeux du Quebec regional final and as the qualification races for Outaouais region at the 2026 Jeux du Québec provincial final in Blainville.
Information & Registration:

Le Club Skinouk vous invite chaleureusement à participer à sa 31ème Coupe Skinouk.
Les courses auront lieu les samedi 25 et dimanche 26 janvier 2025, au Relais plein air du parc de la Gatineau, à Gatineau, Québec.
La Coupe Skinouk offrira des points canadiens pour les catégories M14 à Maître.
Elle servira aussi de Finale régionale des Jeux du Québec et de course de qualification de l’Outaouais pour la Finale des Jeux du Québec 2026, à Blainville.
Information et inscription :

Corkstown Classic @ Kanata Nordic Cross CountrySki Club
Feb 9 all-day
Corkstown Classic @ Kanata Nordic Cross CountrySki Club

Hello fellow ski clubs and teams!

We’re excited to share that registration is open for our upcoming Corkstown Classic race on Sunday February 9th.

The event is open to U8 to Open racers, with 1.5km, 3.5km and 7km courses.

We have confirmed that there will not be any conflict should the Coupe Skinouk have to be rescheduled (with this snow and cold, that’s unlikely anyhow) – thank you Pierre and team!

Please share our event page with your ski communities! We would love to have 250 or more racers back this year.

As in the past we’ll have a slew of door prizes and our awesome bake sale!

We look forward to seeing you on the 9th.

Nakkertok Cookie Race @ Nakkertok Nordic Centre
Feb 22 all-day

XCSO Tier 3 race

The annual Nakkertok Cookie race for U18, and younger. Skate Technique.

Registration is now open

The National Capital Region’s oldest and largest junior ski race, the Cookie Race appeals to young skiers of all abilities and ages. Almost as old as Nakkertok itself, it is steeped in tradition, remembered with affection by past participants and designed for fun. This free technique ski race is named for the prize that every skier receives at the finish line. It’s a great place to get a first taste of what cross-country ski racing is all about and to test the developing skills of more experienced racers.

La Course aux Biscuits est la plus ancienne et la plus grande course de la région de la capitale nationale destinée aux jeunes. La tradition est presque aussi vieille que le club Nakkertok lui-même. Cette course visant le plaisir est bien ancrée dans la culture du club et les athlètes qui ont eu la chance d’y participer en garde un très bon souvenir. C’est l’événement parfait pour s’initier à la compétition de ski de fond ou pour mettre à l’épreuve la technique des skieurs plus expérimentés.

Chelsea Super Sprints @ TBD
Mar 8 all-day

XCSO Tier 3 Event

Chelsea Super Sprints are for athletes U14 and younger. Skate technique

Cookiebeiner @ Gatineau Park
Mar 15 all-day

XCSO Tier 3 Event.

The Cookiebeiner is for participants U14 and younger. Skate or Classic technique.