Race Notice and registration available now.
The Coupe Skinouk Rollerskis is back this year again at P5 in Gatineau
Park. It will take place on September 14. Event information and
registration form are available at https://zone4.ca/event/2024/Lw
You can even participate as a volunteer!
Don’t forget to renew your annual Nordiq Canada licenses competition
for the 2024-2025 season, you will need it to register or you will have
to pay for daily licenses.

Topic: Nordiq Canada Policy Updates
If you were not able to attend the meeting here are the:
Recording (passcode: @FY#a0@9) and Slide Deck.
- Insurance
- Minimum Mandatory Coaching Qualifications
- Skills Development Program Updates
- Tier 3
- Safe Sport
- Officials’ Database Launch
Thursday September 19 at 12:00 pm or 8:00 pm
Zoom Invite for both sessions:
XCSO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 373 801 8209

Are you a member of an SOD club? Come out to the SOD AGM or join us on-line this Sunday, September 20 at 2:00 pm.
If you aren’t able to attend in person but would like to attend virtually, we will use our best efforts (reliable internet can be a challenge at Highlands) to provide access via Microsoft Teams.
Here is the Microsoft Teams link.
PDF Version of the meeting invite.
SOD Notice of meeting 2024 AGMPrerequisites: Intro to Community Coaching and Coach Initiation e-learning modules completed
Registration: https://thelocker.coach.ca/event/registration/11777
Prerequisites: NCCP Trained Comp Int status (completed ICC, (CC) and L2T workshops).
Registration: https://thelocker.coach.ca/event/registration/11759

Celebrating 30 Years of Outstanding Community Support!
Join NTDC Thunder Bay at Nordic Fest 2024:
Visit the NordicFest webpage for more information.

Topic: Recruiting and Retaining Program Leaders – October 17 at 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm
Thank you to everyone who participated in XCSO’s October Community Update! We introduced a new interactive format, and we hope you walked away with valuable strategies for recruiting and retaining program leaders. While there’s no magic formula, sharing ideas and knowledge strengthens our community and fosters growth. Below are the links to the slide deck and recordings from the session.
Slide Deck
PDF for download
2024 October XCSO Community Update - Recruiting and Retaining Program Leaders
12:00 pm meeting recording
8:00 pm meeting recording
XCSO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 373 801 8209
Save the date: XCSO Annual Coaching Seminar !