Officials Level 1 – complete free course before September 1, 2024
The Officials Level 1 course has been added to the Locker and it is FREE until September 1. After that, it will be $25. No pre-requisites needed. If you have volunteers who help with race organization, please get them to take the course.
If you have previously taken the Level 1, you will NOT have to redo it.
1.) Log into the Locker (if you are new to the Locker, follow the directions to make a new account, you do NOT have to be a coach to make an account)
2.) Go to the elearning tab
3.) Make sure you click on Cross Country Skiing
4.) It will list Officials Level 1.
5.) There is also a new course called: Course Controller. The cost is $10. It is an excellent course for your Chief of Course, Chief of Controller and all course controllers to take (or for any other participant of our sport)
Please let me know if you have any questions. Take advantage of the opportunity.
Contact Katja Mathys [email protected]