World Snow Day – Sunday, January 20, 2019
World Snow day is part of the International FIS campaign “Bring Children to the Snow” introduced in 2007. World Snow day celebrates all things SNOW! World Snow day will be comprised of various activities, taking place simultaneously on a single weekend around the world to make for THE BIGGEST DAY ON SNOW, ALL YEAR!
NOD would like to have as many clubs host a Snow Day event as possible. We can help you out by providing $200 to each club in NOD who hosts a Snow Day event. In order to access this funding:
- Register your Snow day event on the World Snow Day website
- The first 100 clubs worldwide to register their event will get a package containing 60 bibs, 2 flags, and a World Snow day banner. First come first served.
- Let us know that you are hosting an event and we will put it on the NOD calendar
- Run the event
- Submit a short Snow day report with 4 photos of the event to [email protected]
- We will send you $200